Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Why write??

Yes why do I write?? Initially it was for my own files. After 30 years of professional business life, I had a habit to write every single issue to record, to track every single item for business purpose in future activities.

Then I was exhausted for making others getting richer and richer, in exchange of a slightly higher salary of average, in order to support wife and 2 kids in education. For 30 years, I worked almost non-stop.

One day, I decided not to work for others any more. I stopped everything. I refused all job offers. In negotiation if you can easily leave the negotiation table you can earn more. Indeed I am very good in my business profession, marketing industrial and utility size thermal power plants.

During last 10 years I used many softwares which were not used in my environment earlier. So that software capability gave me a certain competitive edge. Then I continued to support these softwares as their local marketing consultant. I have a shared office in the downtown, where I share office expenses with a close friend of mine. Hence I earn money.

My sweetheart of last 30 years has her own obligations, other social activities, as well as sharing some reasonable time with me. Kids can take care of themselves.

Compared to my school friends who are mostly illiterate in internet, I am still in good shape in my marketing skills.

I do want to spend my time for my own expectations. I do want to walk in the woods every moring for two hours. I want to spend more time with my loved ones. I do want to spend my time in reading books of my choice, to listen to more classical music, more opera. I do want to share my experince with the younger generations, driving long hours to present a software workshop in a university free-of-charge.

I do want to spend time with my colleagues with shared same future expectations, for better life style of next generations.

Last 3-days I explored a new world. That is new network of cooks, home made cooks, business people, intellectual, sensitive, educated people of all sorts. Initially I made this blogger page for my own purpose to load my records for future use, and for the next generations to read. However while checking the other similar pages, I found a number of similar pages, all connected to each other.

Strange, these people they know each other. This is more than a email group, this is spontaneous. This is something different, different that any other formation in the past in web sites. They are openminded, they explain their feelings, they advise their accomplishments. I started to read these pages and write reviews.

It is so strange that I found so common understandings, common feelings. Some of these writers are very competant in cooking, home made cooking. I learnt a lot.

Am I a good cook? No, frankly speaking no. However I understand if a meal is good or not-so-good. I know some principles. I love good wine, red, dry sek preferable.

I am so surprised to learn that most of these people are so helpful in sharing their experiences, so capable of doing many things at the same time.

Why I write in English. It is my main intention to go global. I do not want to be a local, distant, remote part of the world, but I do want to be at the center of my own world, to respond to all globally.

I am grateful to all my colleagues who read my blogger and write their comments. Please do write your further comments at all times, and do let me know if you have any questions, or in need of any information assistance.


fethiye said...

Dear Haluk,

It has been nice seeing you in our "houses", "kitchens" for the last couple of days and wanted to return your visit.

Not so many people of those cooking sites know each other in real life. That makes it so interesting and nice. Please bring your own experiences; even if they are usually on the eating side. :)

hera said...

to me blogging is such a personal thing plus is open to the eyes who "wants" to be a part of the action, not a coincidence i mean..that makes it beautiful, like it is the real world but with no harsh- and, the words we split exists without being dissipated in space

congrats for yr lovely words, yr courage to start over and pls welcome to my site anytime with yr comments on, and please, will you not forget to feed the cats in METU for me?

Anonymous said...

Dear Haluk Bey,
How nice you described our " world " here. It is indeed very nice for all of us to " share " everything.
Welcome, nice to see you here.
Have your seat and enjoy please!

Tijen said...

arkadaslar neden karsilikli iki türk ingilizce konusuyorsunuz anlayamadim ama ben izninizle 'ana' dilimde merhaba diyecegim!
en güzeli insanin kendi dilinde konusmasi degil mi? bunu en çok derdinizi ifade edemediginizde anliyorsunuz galiba..